In Memories

           IN MEMORY 

Listening your recordings, we fully understand your plight. 
Though you are no longer here, your words still shine bright.
In our hearts your love will always stay,
Which we treasure each passing day. 

Remembering your smile, laughter, and gentle face
In our hearts that memory will always stay.
Though death may have taken you away 
Your love for us lives on each day.

In dreams we see your face so clear 
Wish you are here, wiping our tears
But even in death, your love remains 
An everlasting love that sustains.

Still treasured the house we lived in,
The place where we turned to adults begins. 
Also a place where we caused you pain.
The image of your frustration remains. 

The house is a gem that we know, 
But economic changes, this gem we can't hold.
We seek your agreement to let it go,
And ask for your forgiveness as we need the dough.

However we hold on to the memories we share,
And cherish every moment beyond compare 
For in our hearts your love will always be 
A love that transcends mortality. 

Author  :  MikeleeFye 
23 Aug 2024

The above poem is a tribute to Dad & Mom.


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