Those Early Days

Those Early Days 

The days are getting shorter 
The ending is near
We can only wait and pray
To the Lord we place our fear.

We had been blessed 
The day that we were born 
Being young and carefree 
With no responsibility to perform. 

Materials desires were easily available 
Spending without a thought 
Not knowing the wisdom of saving 
Purchased not caring the cost. 

Friends were plenty all around
Merry making was the norm
Alcohol and ladies all at disposal 
Life was perfect, no thought for reform. 

Knowing a dame I thought an angel
With ignorance I pursue with might 
The days were fun with laughter 
Being blind, could not see the light.

An end to all things soon occurred 
The angel began to change 
Wanting to sever for another 
Leaving me hopeless and deranged. 

Pain and loneliness soon I feel 
Crying and asking was it for real
Then from my slumber I awake 
Telling myself it's not too late. 

To overcome pain and sadness 
Join colleagues for games in club
We talk and joke with madness 
Then proceed to nearby pub.

When the fun is over
Home is the place to rest
Then isolation overcome again 
Asking why am I in such a mess.

Lesson learned not to expose my feelings 
For dames that come my way, 
Joke and made them feel happy 
Then disappear, once their love is displayed.

In a forest of trees I found
Her gentle demure made my heart pound,
Through life's searching paths, I found my life,
Finally I made her my loving wife. 

As the year passes 
White hair begins to form 
Looking back past decades 
Wishing for appearance when born.

The days are getting shorter 
With troubles everywhere 
Earthquake, eruption, wars taking place 
Pleading to our Father, please keep us safe. 

When it's time for us to go
Father please show us the way
We are the righteous child of God 
Heaven is our resting place. 

Author  :  MikeleeFye


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