
Showing posts from June, 2024


Its The Weekend  The weekend arrives a sweet release, From weekdays' grind, a time to breathe.  The stress and chaos, the noise and the fray, Behind us as we welcome Saturday. The morning sleeps in, with a lazy grin, No alarm clocks, no rushing in. The coffee brews, the handphone unfold, A leisurely pace for young and old. The day unwinds, with a gentle stride, A time for adventure, or a relaxing hide. The world outside beckons, with its vibrant hue, Or lay on the couch with a love that's true. Sunday appears with a softer tone, A day of reflection, a time alone. The weekend's magic, a brief escape A time to recharge and to heal the ache.  The weekend's charm, a treasured delight, A respite from the daily fight. So let us bask in its warm embrace, And make the most of this sacred day. Author  :  MikeleeFye  7 June 2024

时 光 一 去 永 不 回

                       时 光 一 去 永 不 回                        往事 只 能 回 味                   The Passage Of Time  In the quiet of the night, time slips away,   Whispering secrets of yesterday.   Moments fleeting, like grains of sand,   Slip through our fingers, couldn't stay in our hand.  The sun rises and sets, a daily routine  Each day a new chapter, a new beginning. Seasons change, painting the world anew Coloring the land in different hues. Each tick of the clock, a step into the past, Moments slipping away, it's speeding too fast. The future beckons, a promise we don't know, But the past, once gone, moments  we can't hold. Memories fade, like whispers in the wind,   Leaving behind traces of where we've been.   Faces age, lines telling stories of time before  An evidence on journeys we once explored  Seize the day, for time is but a loan, A precious gift to be cherished, even when alone. In every fleeting second, a lesson to learn, For once time passes,

Turmoil In 2024

At the year's midpoint, we pause and reflect, A world in turmoil, causing mental stress.  Wars rage on, again and again  Cries of sorrow, citizens in pain. We hold on to a glimmer of light For a chance of peace, can nations unite. To heal the wounds and mend the tears, Can there be a way, to calm the fears. Earth trembled in Taiwan's land, Nature's power we can't understand.  Buildings crumbled, lives upturned, In the quake's aftermath, the pain we learned. High above in the sky so wide, SQ321 faced turbulence, passengers taken by surprise. Injuries disrupting a routine flight, Bashing hope of holidays sight.  May the second half of this year brings a change  A world where love and peace can be arranged.  Where wars subside and earthquakes cease, And humanity find a world at peace. Author  :  MikeleeFye