Its The Weekend The weekend arrives a sweet release, From weekdays' grind, a time to breathe. The stress and chaos, the noise and the fray, Behind us as we welcome Saturday. The morning sleeps in, with a lazy grin, No alarm clocks, no rushing in. The coffee brews, the handphone unfold, A leisurely pace for young and old. The day unwinds, with a gentle stride, A time for adventure, or a relaxing hide. The world outside beckons, with its vibrant hue, Or lay on the couch with a love that's true. Sunday appears with a softer tone, A day of reflection, a time alone. The weekend's magic, a brief escape A time to recharge and to heal the ache. The weekend's charm, a treasured delight, A respite from the daily fight. So let us bask in its warm embrace, And make the most of this sacred day. Author : MikeleeFye 7 June 2024